God created a love tank inside you.
Yes, you have a love tank in your heart and it longs to be filled up.
Do you know of adults who still act like their children? They throw tantrums, become needy or angry. Maybe you feel this way, too. At the root of your problems is an empty love tank.
It makes you susceptible to addictions and idolatrous relationships where you make another person your source of love.
Relationships get cursed when you seek from another person something that only God can give — your fulfillment, satisfaction, happiness, inner peace and completeness.
Here’s the truth: Only God’s love can fulfill your deepest needs!
Seek your self-worth, deepest fulfillment, real happiness, satisfaction, and strength from Him.
The moment God’s love becomes the only foundation of your life, you can love others from a position of peace, not anguish. From a position of completeness, not lack. From a position of trust, not control.
You start loving others genuinely because your heart is filled with God’s love.
Life is all about relationships — your relationship with God and others. This book will teach you how to have loving relationships:
• Have a Marriage That Is Full of Grace
• Parent from a Strong Foundation of God’s Love
• Effectively Handle a Child’s Tantrums
• Honor Your Parents Even When It’s Difficult
• Control Yourself and Submit to Others
• Love Those Who Hurt You
• Show Unconditional Love
Let God fill your empty love tank so that you can love others from a heart that is filled with real love.